Hey there, we're Frida and Antonio — We’ve been in the world of competitive sports since we were little kids. Exercise, and fitness has always been at the core of who we are. Years ago we stumbled upon the world of CrossFit and we were instantly hooked—drawn to the intensity, the camaraderie, and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement. For years, we immersed ourselves in the CrossFit community, competing, coaching, and soaking up every ounce of knowledge and experience along the way.

Then, we discovered HYROX. The combination of functional fitness, endurance, and competition spoke to our souls in a way nothing else ever had. We were hooked from the start, diving headfirst into the world of HYROX with an insatiable hunger for challenge and growth.

As athletes, we've faced our fair share of obstacles and setbacks, but each one has only fueled our determination to keep pushing forward. We've learned that the journey is just as important as the destination—that every triumph, every failure, and every sweat-soaked workout is a step along the path to greatness.

Now, after years of coaching, programming, and honing our skills, we're thrilled to share our passion for HYROX with the world. We've poured our hearts and souls into crafting specialized workout programs designed to help athletes like you reach new heights of performance and unlock your full potential.

So whether you're a seasoned competitor looking to shave seconds off your time, a newcomer eager to tackle your first HYROX event, or anyone in between, know that you're not alone. We're here to support you, inspire you, and cheer you on every step of the way. The journey won't be easy, but we promise it'll be worth it. So lace up your shoes, strap on your wristbands, and get ready to join us on this adventure.